Marie Roath

I grew up in an old weatherboard house with chimneys in almost every room. When I was around eight years old, I was in the lounge with mum, who was doing the ironing. I heard a ‘whooping’ noise come from down the chimney. I stuck my head in and looked up. The sound was quite loud.

I said to Mum:

“Can you hear that, what is it?”

Mum looked at me.

“Why don’t you go out into the backyard and have a look”.

Mum continued to iron and I went outside. 

I could still hear the whooping sound which seemed to be coming from just above the chimney. I remember I couldn’t see anything, but could make out a shape based on the whooping rotation sound.

I yelled out to Mum,

“Come quick!”

Then in a flash I heard an upward whoosh, a zipping kind of sound.

That was the start of a lifetime of unusual and paranormal activity which seems to surround myself and whoever was with me.

  • Vivid dreams of craft and being taken back with others because of an attack on earth. Being told I was protected because I had alien dna.

  • If I am feeling stressed, light bulbs will pop and electronic things will stop and turn off.

  • The ability to capture EVPs where ever I am. Human voices and gruff voice and strange bangs and clicking sounds. Some bangs we can hear others we only pick up on dictaphone.

  • Out-of-body experiences where I have seen myself, and others.

  • Dreams of hands around my waist and being taken up through the roof. Which I actually saw what it was with my last encounter. A silver shimmer, like mercury. Human form but no features. I got scared and hit it.

  • Owl encounters, paralysis, small hooded beings.

  • WhenI was younger I would see flat shadows in human form, running across the wall.

  • Hearing my husband calling and he has heard me calling him when we are not in proximity of each other.

  • Seeing my husband downstairs when he was upstairs.

When I was around 25 I fell pregnant, the scan and showed the baby. Next scan, the doctor said the baby was no longer there. He said the sac was still intact but must have absorbed the baby. I am adding this as I am aware of women having these encounters.

I used to think I was dealing with ghosts hence why I started to record EVPs. I’m not so sure now.  I have a heightened awareness that I am not alone but with what I don’t know.  


Phil Tindale


Patrick Jackson