We have changed our name.
Close Encounters Australia has evolved from Victorian UFO Action.
We are an interest group and online community in Australia. With millions of sightings of unusual phenomena and entities world wide, the aim of the group is to interact with witnesses and share information.
We welcome reports from the public about sightings, the effects on human observers and environment, and any extraordinary or unusual events in connection with these experiences.
As more data is collected on the phenomenon world wide, there is a realisation amongst researcher worldwide that UFO and other so-called ‘paranormal’ events are connected. The ‘UFO’ term is still associated with stigma and ridicule, and has been replaced by the contemporary term ‘UAP” which has been used by the US military in association with recorded sightings and data.
Not only is the UAP phenomena being reported but non-human entity sightings and cases of ‘high strangeness’ are being shared with us. Our team are spread across Australia, and our name change reflects our growth from a regional to a national collective with a wider focus.
We understand that the experience of an anomalous event can often leave people feeling disturbed and confused, and sometimes it can be helpful to report it. Sightings and encounters can be shared with us anonymously, and if you wish to be contacted for further information we will gratefully respect your privacy. If you would like to share your experience with us please click here.