Address the envelope to:
Ita Buttrose AO OBE
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
GPO Box 9994
NSW 2001
Draft letter to use as a template:
Address of person writing the letter:
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
For the attention of Ita Buttrose
Chair, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Dear Ms Buttrose
UAP Related Content and Documentaries
I am writing to ask you to look into why the ABC has not given any meaningful exposure to the topic of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs - formerly better known as UFOs) in recent times. As you will no doubt be aware, there have been reports of a massive coverup in which the Australian government may have been complicit with.
In July 2023, a whistleblower went before Congress in the US (David Grusch) and told the world that the US military has been reverse engineering Non Human Technology for decades. Further, Chuck Schumer, the Majority Leader in the US Senate has recently tabled a law that defines Non Human Intelligence and claims eminent domain over any technology derived from this life form.
This is big enough news that there should be a lot more coverage on the ABC of it, but there is also an Australian angle to this story. For many years there have been reports of anomalous encounters near US bases in Australia and stories that our government has aided the cover up.
If true, this isn’t just a US scandal, it’s an Australian one.
Why isn’t the ABC investigating this?
While I am, of course, aware that there has historically been an unwarranted stigma associated with this area, interest in UAPs is skyrocketing and I implore you to look into this in the national interest.
It is worth noting that, as Australians, we are blessed to have one of the most influential journalists in the field - Ross Coulthart. Ross has been leading the world with his efforts to push for disclosure on behalf of the public.
Ross has made it clear that he would like to make more documentaries on the topic so I would like to request that the ABC invests its resources and provides Ross a mainstream platform for his work. If you are unsure of the level of interest in this topic, Ross’s work for Channel 7 on the topic currently has more than 13 million views on YouTube and NewsNation (the one network to be taking this seriously) is seeing their ratings go through the roof.
I look forward to seeing more quality content from Ross delivered by the ABC as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely